Bengaluru-based Simple Energy have just told us that their first flagship electric scooter will be launched on 15th August 2021. Codenamed Mark2, this electric scooter is slated to be one of India’s longest-range electric two-wheelers. While the prototype version Mark1 was ready last year, the startup has now developed the production version Mark2 based on the prototype and have also revealed the specifications. The price of Simple Energy’s first-ever electric scooter will range from Rs 1.1 lakh to Rs 1.2 lakh.
The launch will take place in Bengaluru, where the startup has its R&D centre located and its first factory is also being set up in the city. Following Bengaluru in the first phase, other South Indian cities, namely Chennai and Hyderabad will follow. The company plans to eventually expand the presence to other cities soon.